1、忌“reference available upon request”:这个短语的意思是如需证明,可提供见证人。这在许多英式、港式简历港文中经常出现,但是美式的简历则不要这样写。
2、忌长句:没有人愿意看太冗长的句子,而且切记yris(your resume is scanned,not read)原则,雇主只是在扫描您的简历。
6、no.67, lane123, job road, shanghai, china
(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx
job objective
an internship position in the fashion industry that will utilize my education, enthusiasm, experience, and passion for style and merchandising in an opportunity that promotes growth and learning.
fashion merchandising,
southwest texas state university,
san marcos
- completion dec. 2014
studio makeup academy,
- 2012
palomar institute of cosmetology,
san marcos,
- 2012
licensed esthetician - state of texas, number 1222161
experienced film makeup artist recognized for work on 2 full-length features and 1 short film
organized and managed successful promotional event for up-and-coming musical talent
gender: female university one is graduated from polytechnic university: in a city
date of birth: march 3rd 197x specialty: industrial enterprise management (undergraduate)
correspondence address: a town of xx province in a street postal zip code: 123456
intention job: (secretary)
english level:
proficient in listening, say, read, write. and through the national english four levels of tests. especially good at writing and reply english business letter, skilled use of network access to relevant information in english and can be translated in a timely manner.
computer level:
national computer rank examination grade two, familiar with the network and e-commerce. proficient in office automation, skilled operation windows98/2k. can operate independently and timely and efficient completion of the day-to-day office document editing.
internship experience summary
in july 20xxs website electronic commerce practice. main responsibilities during the internship period is 1. to assist the editor access to domestic and overseas chemical information in the internet. 2. collect, collate the relevant information in both chinese and english. 3. collation and translation of english material.
education background
199x year in september -- july, polytechnic university, 200x
199x year in september -- july 199x a city first middle school
major courses
higher mathematics, operations research, forecasting and policy-making, marketing, economics, international trade, marketing and negotiation, computer sales management, e-commerce
three times two school scholarship
a school scholarship award
self assessment
tashi work, the company consciously obey discipline, loyalty to the company. good at getting along with colleagues.
tom p. thompson
1551 camden street
reno, nv 89501
phone - 775-335-6891
email id - [email protected]/* */
to obtain a human resources assistant position
teller, bank of america, atlanta 01/05 - present
educated customers about bank products
referred products for sale to personal banker
resolved instant issues for customers
provided transaction services to customers
office assistant, southeast dental, p.c, atlanta 01/04 â¡v 01/05
filed dental insurance claims
verified patientsâ¡â¦ dental coverage
scheduled appointment for patients
answered basic questions regarding patientsâ¡â¦ benefits and claims
registrar office assistant, georgia state university, atlanta 06/02 â¡v 05/03
filed and mailed out transcripts and verifications for registrar office
prepared tubes and mail labels for graduation office
prepared microfiches for records office
filed studentsâ¡â¦ records
tutor, gainesville college, gainesville 06/01 â¡v 08/01
tutored middle school students in math
helped students understand the basic concepts of middle school math
sale clerk, sears and jc penney, gainesville 06/99 â¡v 08/01
responded to customer inquires
assisted with customer needs, and cahier
b.b.a in management, fall 2005
strong customer service, highly responsible for the position, ability to accept mistakes and make improvement, fluent in vietnamese, microsoft office 2000.
总经理助理辞职报告(三) sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing. skills: typing 65+wpm. strong knowledge of general accounting procedures. ability to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks. ability to work independently with good organizational and communication skills. experience working for a large corporation. professional appearance and attitude. experience: 1989-present carter trust office clerk transcribe statements form insureds,type letters to attorneys,insureds,and other insurance timely payment of worker's compensation checks and the timely filing of workers' compensation forms;type confidential material such as employee appraisals for the claims ive workload on ibm 3090 processing insurance claims,payments,and recovery checks to insureds and telephone inquiries from insureds,claimants,and agents. 1985-1989 federal union insurance co. clerical supervisor supervised the clerical staff consisting of three clerical in the capacity of administrative to the claims manager,typed letters to attorneys,insureds,etc.,and handled special projects and reports from the boston office. 1981-1985 mapleroot high school payroll clerk handled a monthly payroll for 500 hourly ed quarterly federal withholding tax returns and labor statistics report. education: h.s. diploma certificate in wordperfect 5.1 certificate in lotus 1-2-3 computers: wordperfect 5.1,lotus 1-2-3,e-mail,ibm system references: furnished upon request. skills section focuses employer's attention on candidate's relevant qualifications. work experience is emphasized,while limited education is de-emphasized 1、协助总经理作好经营服务各项管理并督促、检查落实贯彻执行情况。 2、做好企业内外文件的发放、登记、传递、催办、立卷、归档工作。 3、此致 4、最后公司能尽快找到人选,以便于我做好交接工作,对于给公司带来的损失我感到很遗憾,也希望公司体谅我的苦衷。祝公司蒸蒸日上,再创佳绩,一路走好。 5、您好!这封辞职报告其实我一个月以前就写下了,好几次都是没有勇气递交出去,觉得在这个时候辞职很对不起您,对不起公司。但是时间是不等人的,我今天不得不递交出去,由于新公司那边要我尽快过去,我知道不能再拖下去了。在××公司五年的岁月你,感谢全体同仁的配合与帮助,这段时光我将会永记于心。 6、负责各类文件的分类呈送,请集团领导阅批并转有关部门处理。 7、协助总经理调查研究、了解公司经营管理情况并提出处理意见或建议,供总经理决策。 8、负责企业内外的公文**,解决来信、来访事宜,及时处理、汇报。 9、在总经理领导下负责企业具体管理工作的布置、实施、检查、督促、落实执行情况。 10、敬礼! 11、在总经理领导下负责办公室的全面工作,努力作好总经理的参谋助手,起到承上启下的作用,认真做到全方位服务。 12、负责上级领导机关或兄弟单位领导的接待、参观工作。 13、做好总经理办公会议和其他会议的组织工作和会议纪录。做好决议、决定等文件的起草、发布。 14、负责保管使用企业图章和介绍信。 15、我平时的工作都是这些,希望对找到接替我的人有所帮助。 1、2。熟练solidworks软件和cad软件,使用solidworks软件绘制机械设备零件图,机械装配图。 2、20xx—09 20xx—06 广东松山职业技术学院 机电一体化 毕业证书 — 3、国语水平: 良好 4、语言能力 5、起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号 6、外语: 英语 一般 粤语水平: 优秀 7、3。使用pro/e和ug软件绘制机械设备零件图 8、自我评价 9、工作能力及其他专长 10、其它外语能力: 11、具备一定的机械设计经验,对机械设计原理和过程有一定的了解,熟悉标准件的设计计算和选型,熟悉机械制图的标准,对机械工艺有一定的认识,根据功能需要改进机械设备,熟悉机械制造公司的工作流程。经过三年的工作,使我对机械设计的工作有很深的了解! 12、1。熟悉机械设计原理,液压传动,机械制造工艺,熟悉机电一体化的设备。 13、4。整理机械设备图纸图档 1)力争面试;2)至少保存;3)杜绝被“扔”。 your resume is scanned, not read.(“yris”)一方面简历要写得好,另一方面招聘人员看简历只是扫描式的,最初看也就是5秒钟左右,写得不好就扔了.首先你应明白两点:第一,要了解招聘人员的工作性质。第二,要熟悉行文格式、专业写作。另外,yris还说明写的内容千万不要多,而且要控制在一页内,因为没有人会认真看您的简历。 简历中的任何字句,都有可能成为面试中的话题一定要有把握的才写没有把握的不要写要实事求是千万不要夸张。外资公司是最忌讳撒谎的一旦让他觉得你在撒谎,你就丧失了进入这个公司的资格。 现在文字处理软件都有拼写检查(spelling check),您实在没有理由拼错,否则雇主会觉得您连最基本的东西都不去做。因此这是完全不能容许的错误。 这是拼写检查查不出的错误,要尤为小心。例如,有一位专业是经济学的同志,他本应写 major:economics(专业:经济学)但却误写成了mayor: economy,摇身一变,成了主管经济的市长。 这并不是说一点儿语法错误都没有,因为英语毕竟不是母语,稍微有一点小错,别人也是能够谅解的。 这是非常有效的一个方法,一是从拼写、语法、句式等方面来看,有无错误;二是从构思的角度上来看有没有更合适、更恰当的表达。旁观者清,换一个角度,别人经常能提出一些特别好的建议来。 有人写,有人不写。其实写和不写各有利弊。如果写,当然显得目标明确非这个行业、这个部门不可,但同时也就限制了您在别的行业发展的可能性。比如,毕业生在申请加入一家著名公司时明确写上了所选部门,那么万一这个部门没有录用您,而您又好象非这个部门不可,您就很可能失去了在其他部门工作的机会。但如果您什么都不写,雇主参照您的背景和一些测试的结果也许认为您更适合别的部门,这样您就可能获得新的机会。通常美式简历的规范写法都是不写的。 尊敬的领导: 您好! 在××公司我一直过得很好,很感谢公司领导对我的关照和同事对我的帮助,但是由于薪酬和工作时间问题,我很抱歉我决定辞职。做为行政文员,我每天做的事情很多很杂,工作上让我分不清文员跟行政文员的差别,工资上也是如此。我每天都在做这些事情;办公设备的管理,计算机、传真机、签字长途电话、复印机的具体使用和登记,名片印制,邮件和报刊的收取、分发工作,低值易耗办公用品的发放、使用登记和离职时的缴回,各类办公用品仓库保管,每月清点,年终盘存统计,做到入库有验收、出库有手续,保证帐实相符,完成各项勤杂、采购工作等等大量很杂的工作,然而我的工资却每个月只有一千多,而且每周工作6天,我觉得我的付出跟收获不对等,我也不能对我目前的现状改变什么,因此我选择辞职。 希望领导能够批我的辞职请求,在我正式辞职的这段时间我会做好交接工作。 此致 敬礼! 辞职人:出国留学网 20xx年xx月xx日 这份英文简历没有经过精雕细琢,格式、字体不够统一,拼写错误时常出现,这样的简历在招聘人员看来,首先是态度问题,然后是能力问题,被淘汰是在所难免的。 当然,这份英文简历最失败的地方就在于没把能力充分展现出来,无法向招聘人员证明自己的能力,不能够说服招聘人员约见自己。在撰写简历时,如果能仔细研究招聘广告,当我们与所应聘的职位匹配程度越高,胜出的几率也就越大。 为什么要进行这样的修改呢?我们一一阐释: ①撰写英文简历时,开头就清楚地标明姓名及联系方式。hr看简历时,先看工作经历、学术背景,觉得差不多可以约见面试了,才看个人信息, ②英语地址写法应遵循由小到大的原则,正好与中文的反过来,先写××房间,××号,然后再写××路,××市,邮编,××省,国名。邮编的标准写法是放在市名之后,也可以放在省名之后,但一定要放在china之前。 ③把求职意向写得明确一些,让招聘人员明白你正在寻找什么职位。也可以紧跟着证明自己能够胜任这份工作的能力和资格。④简历栏目不宜过多,一般不超过五个,否则显得凌乱。在所学课程之下,罗列相关课程,如这里列出市场营销、管理学、商务英语等课程,能从增强阅读者对求职者的立体感。⑤⑥⑦是工作经验部分,遵循从最近工作经验写起的原则。在经历描述中,有详有略,最近经历要重点阐述,用人单位最感兴趣的是你目前正在做的,对于过去,兴趣会降低许多;相关经历要多写。⑤与目标职位最为接近,要对照目标职位的描述挖掘曾经做过的工作;⑥展示了英文水平;而⑦说明人际交流和沟通能力。每个工作描述所展示的技能都与目标职位息息相关。⑧根据任职要求有针对性地罗列技能,包括语言、计算机技能。张源在简历中没有提到自己的中文水平,比较遗憾。另外提到日语会话能力,增色不少。⑨在与张源沟通后发现的较有特色的兴趣爱好及特长。不具体的爱好和特长不写,以免在简历中留下话柄,面试中将会陷自己于不利的境地。例如,一般人喜欢说自己爱好读书、旅游、音乐等,假如面试官也是个音乐爱好者,与你攀谈起来,就露馅了。张源喜欢弹吉他和跳健美操,曾作为领队带领健美操队在校年度晚会上表演过,这一点使形象更加丰满。 name: xxx sex: female date of birth: august 1985 account: zhejiang national: han political landscape: members marital status: unmarried education: undergraduate graduate institution: zhejiang university graduation time: july 20xx specialties: psychology language: english (general) computer level: skilled work experience: 1 year contact: xxxx-xxxxxxx work type: full-time nature of units: open expectations of the industry: open expectations of job: sales, customer service, consultants, human resources / administrative / clerical staff, education / training working location: hangzhou expectations of a monthly salary: 1000-2000 from september 20xx to june 20xx sanlian college in zhejiang, zhejiang university自考professional mental health education. professional courses are mainly interpersonal psychology, social psychology, school psychology, psychological counseling and psychological measurement and so on. test while the second half of 20xx while doing part-time undergraduate. from march 20xx to september 20xx, hangzhou masahiro college admissions teachers, during the four months of business students in wenzhou. i am a graduate of, self-learning ability; self-examination more than three years experience of people learned how to do things by insisting on the down-to-earth. moderate and stable character, the work of a conscientious and responsible, > recent work position: tutor expect post properties: part-time expected monthly salary: negotiable expect engaged in post: university graduates expect engaged in industry: education/training, the government department/institutions, non-profit organization/industry association start-stop years: in september 20xx to june 20xx the school name: anyang normal college professional name: administrative management 一、说明工作经历stating your work experience: (1)sales manager. in addition to ordinary sales activities and monument of department, responsible for recruiting and training of sales staff members. 销售部经理。除了正常销售活动和部门管理之外,还负责招聘与训练销销售人员。 (2)assistant to the general manager of shenzhen petro-chemical industrial corporation ltd.. handled the itinerary tie of the corporation. helped to negotiate a 5,000,000deal for the corporation. 深圳市石油化工集团股份有限公司总经理助理。安排总经理的出差旅行计划时间表。作为公司代表接见客户。协助公司谈成了一笔五百万美元的交易。 (3)secretary to president of silverlion group corporation ltd.. responsibilities: receiving visitors, scheduling meetings, taking and typing dictation, writing routine letters and re-ports 银利来集团有限公司董事长秘书。职责:接待访客,安排会议、笔录并打字、书写日常信函及报告。 (4)public relations girl at guangzhou holiday inn. full-time in summers, part-time during school. 在广州文化假日酒店当公关小姐。暑期全职,上课时间兼职。 (5)assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise. analyzed data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements. 一家合资企业会计部门经理的助理。分析数据及相关财务统计数字,而且提出每月的财务报告。 (6)production manager: nitrated puerility control resulting in a reduction in working hours by 2028528le increasing pro-ductility by 25生产部经理:引入质量控制,使得工作时数减少了20%,而生产力则提高了25%。 (7)practical summer experience. clerked at one-and -one clothes store in charge of sales, 1992. employed at guangzhou restaurant as waitress, 1993. 暑假的实际经验。1992年,在壹加壹服装店当店员,负责销售。1993年,在广州酒家当侍应小姐。 英语简历有用语句(3) 二、说明任职资格stating your qualifications: (1) university major in computer science, three years of part- time work in a computer software company. 在大学主修计算机科学,在计算机软件公司兼职三年。 (2)experienced operator: word processor sv68,60 wpm. 有经验的操作人员;文字处理sv68型,每分钟60个单词。 (3)educational background in business administration with a major in secretarial science and two summers of full-time work experience. working knowledge of all common office ma- chines. 有工商管理的学历,主修秘书学,两年暑假的全职工作经验。对办公室所有常用机器有运用知识。 (4)office skills include: operating english wordprocessor and microcomputer, taking shorthand 85 wpm. (5)four years of experience in marketing, in addition to a bachelor's degree in management with major in marketing. like to be challenged with a responsible job. 除了主修市场学的管理学学士学位,还有四年的市场营销经验。喜战责任重大的工作。 (6)university education in management with an emphasis on accounting, involving the use of computers, able to financial statements 在大学修管理学,以会计为主,包含电脑的使用。能理财务报告。 (7)ability to organize marketing campaigns and to super-vise employees. effective communication abilities and public relations skills. 具有组织市场活动和督导员工的能力,并具有效的交际能力和公关技巧。 (8)three years of successful job experience ranging from sales responsibilities to management of marketing department, adaptable, versatile, industrious. 三年的成功工作经验,范围从销售职责到市场部门的管理,适应性强、善变通、勤奋。 (9)special training in accounting at guangdong college commerce and three years of practical experience in accounting environment. enjoy working with sible and reli able. 在广东商学院接受会计方面的专门培训,并有三年会计部门的实际工作经验。喜欢和别人一同工作。负责可靠。 (10)work experience in personnel affairs in a foreign capital enterprise coupled with educational background specialized in personnel management. maintain good human relations. 外资企业人事事务的工作经验,加上人事管理的专门学历背景。保持良好的人际关系。 (11)five years, working experience in teaching english at amiddle school coupled with educational background specialized in english instruction at guangzhou teachers'college. ability to listen and sensitivity to the needs of students. 有五年在中学进行英语教学进行英语教学的工作经验,加上在广州师范学院专攻英语教学的学历背景。能倾听学生意见、对学生的需求敏感。 (12)good university education with japanese as my major combined with practical experience in translating business documents. worked practical experienced in interpreter in japan for a chinese investigation group for three months. 良好的大学教育,主修日语,加上翻译商务文件的实际经验。为中国考察团在日本当过三个月的译员。 xx公司董事会: 各位领导董事以及董事会主席,在**公司的近2个月的时间我经过了我自身的努力和奋斗,由于我自身的缺点和性格难以和车间的同事融合。因此我决定辞职。辞去**公司总经理助理职务。 在辞去职务前我将我在**公司看到详细情况汇总如下。主要分4块问题:财务改良、人力资源管理改善、制度体系化流程化规范化、销售的扩张问题。因为企业发展到一定的程度必须要有所程度的改变也必然导致所有权和控制权的分离。就像我做职业经理人,为股东打工。不是为某一个人打工。如果没有公司上层的权利的下放以及决心那么任何一个人来了也会和我一样,要不就混日子拿钱。企业要发展壮大那么首先要有比较健全的制度来保障,大企业和小企业最重要的区别是什么? 那就在于小企业的核心资源、信息都掌握在企业家一个人手里,而大企业的核心资源和信息却分散在管理人员。所以小的企业可以靠感情来维系,而大的企业靠健全制度。当然,单纯的靠制度也不可以完全管理好一个企业。企业还需要企业文化,需要员工之间的相互理解、相互尊重和相互信任。而我们**公司缺少的就是上面的东西、制度、企业文化员工的理解、尊重和信任。 上面所说的就是健全公司制度这是我们**公司发展的根基。现有的**公司没有很好的制度和制度执行力,就是靠感情来维系,怎么样来提高制度执行力。是我公司应该要面临的问题。也就是我所说的4块问题的其中之一,制度的体系化流程化和规范化。 有了良好的制度和完善的制度那么就要有很好制度推行者,而他找来之前首先公司董事会要有一致的意见,还要有相应的公司职位法定权如果没有那也是一句空话也就谈不上还有2块的处理,人力资源管理改善、财务改良问题。 首先我来说一下人力资源管理改善问题,**公司总的员工也不多,除了技术和外面的那就说里面的员工。虽然说我们的主任多不脱产,但是20多人的人员分3块且3个车间4个主任连带仓库有5个主任那就是管理资源浪费,我认为一个就可以。且工资制度要明确,同 工同酬。而现有我们**公司的薪酬制度不明确造成大家在吃大锅饭。员工的努力和不努力表现不明确,努力不努力应该由数据来说话。不是由感情来说话。这就是我要说的人力资源管理改善问题。 现在我要说的是财务制度的改良问题,这其中就问题多多,包括企业主的管理理念问题。首先我来说仓库管理问题,仓库的管理混乱,谁多可以领料没有很好的领用制度。仓库的呆滞料过多。有的东西没有账目,为什么没有。杭州工程处领用的东西为什么会多实际用的少为什么?是仓库还是杭州工程处的问题还是采购问题。 因为出了这些问题首先的责任在谁,那就是企业主管理人。没有很好的采购制度和仓库管理制度以及现场生产管理制度多造成了现有的管理很乱,那首先追究责任人就是企业主和管理人。一般的大型品牌企业讲究的是零库存,而我们的公司不可能是零库存,那怎么样来实现和靠近零库存?这就是我要说的企业主的管理理念问题,价值分享。要做到这一点那我们公司的企业家必须摆在位置,学会价值分享,而不是独吞利润。我可以说一个不会分享价值要独吞利润的企业它永远不是一个成功的企业。而我们公司的仓库价值有100多万的库存,我就要问为什么?为什么会这么高。当然还不包括公司的呆滞料没有建账的。 我们公司有很高的企业风险。所以说要学会价值分享,发展好的供应商使之变成好的商业合作伙伴进行利益捆绑转嫁我们公司的商业风险。转移我们的资金压力,使我们更好的更加灵活的面对市场风险。 在现有的生产中我们要掌握的就是装配过程,核心的东西。现有的铝壳加工就可以进行外加工,我要的就是半成品的壳子。而这个铝壳在我们的生产车间占有很大的比重,张维林的生成车间在总装铝壳就要花掉车间的5人,而每天的铝壳生产量大约在50~60套之间 而我公司在本成品铝壳的常备原材料资金也大约在25万其中不包括小的配件。中间环节也可以减少成本浪费。反之原材料供应商成为我的仓库和我的风险嫁接主。而我公司更加灵活的面对市场和增加产量提高生产。我们也不存在生产场地不够等等问题。 有了上面的开端,那么我们的线路板也可以同样的来处理这个问题。我们的风险也可以嫁接给我的供应商。我要的就是半成品的板子,但是他上面还涉及led的元器件的问题,这也可以解决。我要的就是要我指定供应商的led,如果出现质量问题还可以进行索赔。我们主要来面对的就是新产品的开发和各供应商提供的半成品的组装问题。这中间我们的原材料常备又可以控制下来。中间的费用大约35万。而我们也不存在风险。 有了上面的两大块改善仓库的资金节约就出来了,那仓库建帐也可以更加方便管理,人力也节约了。随之而来的节约就更多了。因为现在的仓库领用和生产各方面多没有报表,各方面的合格率多没有也很难来真真的计算生产成本。如果有了上面的2块计算成本很方便。这就是我说的财务改良问题。最后就是我要说的销售扩张问题。现有的公司销售没有很好的体现,销售人员的缺乏,公司还局限于杭州,怎么样来以杭州为基点进行扩张。如果我们现在没有很好的销售团队。如果没有了杭州这个基点那公司是不是要有问题了呢? 各位董事以上是我进2个月来看到和想到的问题。因为性格所使我不适合在现有形式下的**公司工作。我也很难来改变公司所以我辞职。这将是我在**公司的最后意见和今后接任者的工作建议,如有采纳非常高兴。 此致 敬礼! 辞职人:出国留学网 20xx年xx月xx日 1、排版要简洁明快,切忌标新立异,排的象广告一样。当然,如果你应聘的是排版工作则是例外。 2、要保证你的简历会使人才网">招聘者在30秒之内,即可判断出你的价值,并且决定是否聘用你。 3、个人简历最好用a4标准复印纸打印, 字体最好采用常用的宋体或楷体,尽量不要用花里呼哨的艺术字体和彩色字, 4、要尽量提供个人简历中提到的业绩和能力的证明资料,并作为附件附在个人简历的后面。一定要记住是复印件,千万不要寄原件给人才网">招聘单位,以防丢失。 5、要切记不要仅仅寄你的个人简历给你应聘的公司,附上一封简短的应聘信,会使公司增加对你的'好感。否则,你成功的几率将大大降低。 6、要组织好个人简历的结构,不能在一个个人简历中出现重复的内容。让人感到你的个人简历条理清楚,结构严谨是很重要的。 7、不能凭空编造你的经历,说谎永远是卑鄙的,没有哪个公司会喜欢说谎的员工,但也没有必要写出所有你真实的经历。对你求职不利的经历你可忽略不写。 8、一定要用积极的语言,切忌用缺乏自信和消极的语言写你的个人简历。 最好的方法是在你心情好的时候编写你的个人简历。 9、要记住你的个人简历必须突出重点,它不是你的个人自传,与你申请的工作无关的事情要尽量不写,而对你申请的工作有意义的经历和经验绝不能漏掉。 10、你的个人简历越短越好,因为招聘人没有时间或者不愿意花太多的时间阅读一篇冗长空洞的个人简历。最好在一页纸之内完成,一般不要超过两页。 i overview name: xxx sex: female nationality: chinese politics features: members education (degree): master: chinese modern and contemporary literature phone: contact address: beijing email address: educational background graduated from: beijing normal university 2007.9 - 2000.7 chinese modern and contemporary literature ma in reading taiyuan teachers college department of chinese 2003.9 - 2007.7 bachelor of chinese language and literature another: other training * english through the national cet cet by beijing graduate degree in english exam, english-chinese translation fluency. * good at using the internet for a variety of internet information exchange, with some construction sites, planning experience * proficient operating html, frontpage98 produce a variety of tools such as web pages and effects diagram * proficiency in windows platform kinds of application software (such as word97,excel97, powerpoint internet explorer, netscape communicator, etc.) work experience * 2009.8 --- so far, "township enterprises" edit * 2008.9 --- 2009.7 "chinese film report" foreign movie reporter * 2007.9 --- 2008.9 sino-japanese youth exchange center foreign language teachers profile i believe that love line to do a good line. i have always been interested in text editing, from high school had many articles published, and served as editor of the school magazine work. years of professional study of theory and practice, so i have developed good writing skills, keen observation, excellent verbal skills and attention to track social hotspot capabilities. i do things be rational, willing to cooperate with others, usually love reading, music and so on. xiao yong he rm. 2, 4f, sun tong plaza, 1368 huanhai rd (w) (021) 64335892 email: objective english assistant position at a multinational company in shanghai. experience x x x co., ltd., shanghai 2000-present executive assistant to head of factory responsibilities include prioritizing appointment schedules and travel arrangements for the head of factory, managing confidential files and records, doing english and japanese interpretation in business talks, and supervising and training clerical staff. x x x network, inc., shanghai 1998-2000 executive assistant to vice manager responsibilities included scheduling appointments, keeping files, and traveling to europe to make advance arrangements for client conferences and extensive client contact. x x x publishing company, shanghai 1995-1998 office assistant responsibilities included word processing, data entry, filing, and sometimes bookkeeping. education x x x training center, shanghai 1999 completed course of computer typing skills, shorthand, computerized accounts, and manual bookkeeping. x x x college of continuing education, shanghai 1998 completed one-year japanese course x x x college of shanghai 1991-1995 majored in english for business, obtained ba business skills ★ familiar with english accounting and bookkeeping ☆ fluent in oral and written english ★able to communicate in japanese ☆ computer skills in window xp ★ typing speed of 80 wpm ☆ good organizational skills ★ experience of bilingual interpretation references available on request personal information name: xxxx gender: male date of birth: 1991/05/12 residency: huangshi zip code: 435002 career objective:english teacher mobile: xxxxxxxxxxx email: @ political background:probationary party member leadership position:the chair of league member address: hubei province huangshi city ma fang village work experience 20xx/07-20xx/9:commended by dean to be an english private tutor in beijing 20xx/03--20xx/05:qihui private tutor center as an english tutor in xianning 20xx/06-20xx/12:as an english tutor teaching high school student in huangshi 20xx/10-20xx/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies 20xx/08-20xx/12:an english training teacher of info tech essentials, inc. huang shi branch education 20xx/09--20xx/06 xianning university english education associate 20xx/09--2009/06 hubei normal univercity english bachelor training 20xx/10--20xx/12 no 14 middle school in huangshi city english cadet teacher language skills english excellent japanese average certifications 20xx/03 tem level 8 eviii 0810045236 20xx/04 tem level 4 eiv 0710075088 20xx/06 cet-6 061242066001800 20xx/12 provincial computer level test band1 20xx121141345 20xx/12 mandarin chinese rating certificate x1140430787 20xx/7 teacher qualification certificate 20xx4210730000459 honors/awards national scholarship the first ranking scholarship the second ranking scholarship excellent league member the second price in teacher skill competition in hubei normal university the)白话文○( first price in normal students’ teaching lesson the third price in students’acqierement the outstanding price in first term in telecommunications cup resume competition 各位领导好: 本人xx于今日愿辞去xx营销中心经理助理及销售内勤一职。具体原因,烦阅如下: 一、主观原因:随着年龄增长,家庭的责任越来越重,需有更多的时间去照顾老人和孩子。而目前岗位使我无法为家里分担更多的时间和精力。 二、客观原因:市场竞争激烈进行,产品、企业、个人都要不断进步。客户的要求和服务也越来越高。而我公司从技术、质量到生产,进步的脚步未见加快,却时有倒退之象。做为一名销售客服,没有一系列紧密配合的后盾做为支柱,在工作中常感形单力薄,心身疲惫,更为无法满足客户需求而深感愧疚。当然,也有自身能力不足之因素,所以,愿辞去职务,换做更适合之人来弥补。 本人20xx年入职至今,在岗6年,工作虽不才,却也勤勉踏实。对领导:虽不算好助手,却一心恭敬,尽浅薄之力为领导分忧。与同事相处:虽谈不上融洽,却一向周而不比。幸得一二知已,只是谈天说地,从未结党营私。23岁至30岁,是人生中最为珍贵的时光。在这一时光中能与辉龙共同成长,深感荣幸,万分感激。因非圣贤,虽常有过失,却仍无悔于这一段弥足珍贵的时光,更无愧于这段时光中陪我一起成长的每个人。 不敢奢望领导念其6年的苦劳,更知无任何功劳可言。望领导念其目前家庭困难,将其在职期间的暂扣款、工资、业务工资一并结算,将不胜感激。 此致 敬礼! 辞职人: 20xx年xx月xx日 总经理助理辞职报告(五)