1、computer operation, business management,investment
2、●telephone communication
3、204 apt 2 alley 328 yongjia re tel:64308991
4、sept 1988 to shanghai×××high school
5、august 1999 to ×××co. , ltd.
6、references available upon request.
7、career objective:a position of management job potential in the banking department specializing in foreign change
8、present secretary to deputy manager of marketing
9、●schedule deputy manager's appointments
10、●greeted clients
11、july 1994
12、●draft business correspondence
13、july 1998major in international business management
14、4) personal information
16、●key courses including english, japanese,
17、shanghai 200020,prcemall:kalunz@
18、sept 1994 toshanghai×××university,bachelor degree in international business management
19、work experience:
20、international commercial law
21、educational background:
22、personal information:male, born in shanghai, 11/12,1970, unmarried, healthy
23、●keep and update files
24、3) educational background
25、june 2001receptionist
26、march 1998 to ×××industrial bank
27、may 1998 intern
28、2) work experience
29、1) your objective
30、july 2001 to×××inc.
31、●manage correspondence
1、job description:routine
3、company's name:fo shan city shun de district jun an town magnetic power groupbegin and end date: 2004-01-2006-10
4、job description:routine
5、(2) do the bank deposits of cash basis accounting
6、application type:jobseeker
7、 accounting, carry-over costs;
8、seriously study and work, careful, pragmatic, responsible, motivated, and more patience in dealing with people.
9、reasons for leaving:to do accounting
10、enterprise nature:private enterprisesindustry: other industries
11、preferred job title:accountant: accounting 、
12、language ability:have a good command of both spoken and written english
13、job title:accounting
14、(1) do a cash basis accounting
16、name of major 1:accountingname of major 2:
17、education experience:start dateend dateeducation organizationmajorscertificatecertificate no
18、company's name:fo shan city shun de district jun an zhi li textile co., and end date: 2006-10-2010-06
19、enterprise nature:private enterprisesindustry: garment/textile/leather/shoes
20、job title:statistician
21、ate the tax declaration to pay on time;
22、3 monthly provision for depreciation of fixed assets;
23、auditors audit signature of proof of payment in strict accordance with the provisions of the cash management system, review and handle collections and payments.
24、chinese level:excellentcantonese level:perfect
25、2, in strict compliance with company rules and regulations, to conscientiously fulfill their duties;
26、ation of accounting statements, do the financial analysis
27、(2) to deal with the accounts: do vouchers, registration books, summary of the certificate, registration ledger.
28、working life:5title:senior title
29、1 internally to employees to information external to go to the inland revenue department tax.
30、job title:cashier
31、ting of inventory, including procurement of materials, goods into the sales;
32、reasons for leaving:get married
33、reasons for leaving:to do cashier
34、job description:statistical work duties:
35、job title:finance/accounting assistant
36、name of school:shunde polytechnic
37、relevant skills and abilities
38、rsement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period
39、educational background
40、i have strong organizational ability, good resource analysis, and full use of all resources, there is a strong independence, strong analytical skills, able to adapt to the fast-paced, with strong experience and practical ability, able to workindependently.
41、self-recommendation letter
42、reasons for leaving:to do finance/accounting assistant
43、2008-032011-01shunde polytechniceconomygraduation certificate108315201106000564
44、reasons for leaving:self-improvement
45、company's name:fo shan city shun de district jun an town hong chun textile co., and end date: 2001-10-2002-04
46、job description:1, responsible for daily financial cashier of the company pision, including cash bank inflow, outflow, income, payment matters;
47、specifically, this work include the following six areas:
48、company's name:wattone consulting &services china and end date: 2010-06-2012-08
49、company's name:fo shan city shun de district jun an town kim young metal plating co., and end date: 2002-04-2003-12
50、language ability
51、rsement of costs, mainly refers to the expenses for the period
52、work experience
53、job type:full timeexpected start date:in a month
54、highest degree:associatedate of graduation:2011-01-01
55、job description:(a) the balance of payments and records of the monetary funds
56、 up the current accounts, including receivables, payables, and is responsible for the reconciliation of accounts receivable, clearing;
57、s. the end of carry-over of reckoning;
58、1, and resolutely obey the command of superiors, conscientiously perform their work orders;
59、job title:accountant
60、cashier monetary funds management includes two aspects: first, the processing of daily currency receipt and expenditure of funds business; accounts of accounting for the balance of payments business.
61、business communication with foreign customers
62、 accounting wages, wage rates calculation of social insurance, employee benefits, education funds and union funds;
63、enterprise nature:industry: garment/textile/leather/shoes
64、marital status:singleage:31 years
65、expected salary:¥3500~¥5499preferred working place:tianhe yuexiu
66、foreign language:englishlevel:good
67、career objective
68、enterprise nature:soly foreign funded enterprisesindustry: trading/imports & exports
69、enterprise nature:private enterprisesindustry: garment/textile/leather/shoes
70、i am cheerful and lively, like to make friends, and good at communicating with others, friends, have good interpersonal skills
1、 政策性问题或人力不可抗拒之原因造成广告牌不能发布,双方应友好协商解决,甲方可选择于乙方拥有的同等价值的广告位继续发布。
2、八、 合同价款(不含版面设计费):(大写)人民币 ______万圆整(壹年)
4、十四、 因政府行为或其他非乙方责任造成广告终止,双方协商按下列方式解决:
5、六、 完工验收:
6、二、 广告设置地点:_________
7、一、 广告项目名称:_________
8、十、 甲方权利与义务:
11、十二、 以下原因,工期可相应顺延:
12、 甲方也可选择选择广告费至广告发布终止日而终止收费。乙方扣除广告费总额的___%作为税费及制作费用,余款为广告发布费用,根据实际发布时间,将未发布的广告费用退还甲方。
13、甲方未及时付款,每超过1天,按合同价款 ___%付给违约金,或相应缩短发布期。未及时付款超过___天,乙方有权拆除甲方画面,另行发布广告。
14、双方商定广告版面采取下列第 种方式提供;
15、 发布期内如电源供电终止,则无照明发布时间按正常发布时间的三分之二计算发布期。
16、十七、 违约责任:
17、 合同签订时,甲方支付人民币___ 元的定金。
18、 乙方债务履行后,甲方所支付的定金抵作价款收回。
19、地址:_________________ 地址:_________________
20、 广告版面设计图纸以广告审批机关审批通过为准。
21、二十、 本合同一式 2 份,甲方执1份,乙方执1份。
22、 甲方的关于稿件确认人、有关往来文书交收人为:________。
23、 签约时甲方提供广告版面设计光盘一式___ 份。
24、 不可抗力的自然灾害。
25、 协助乙方做好与有关部门的协调工作。
26、 在广告发布期间,乙方如遇灯具坏损,乙方应于___小时内修复或更换完毕。
27、 发布期间乙方有维护看板之义务,甲方有监督的权利。
28、二十一、 其它说明:
29、二十三、 本合同未尽事宜,按《中华人民共和国民法典》、《户外广告管理规定》执行。
30、 广告制作完工经验收不合格,广告发布期限按验收合格日期顺延。
31、三、 广告规格/数量:_________
32、 监督乙方广告制作的质量和施工进度。
33、乙方未按期完工,每延期1天,按合同价款 ___ %付给违约金,或相应延长发布期。
34、 向乙方提供广告发布审批所需的资料,并保证其资料的真实性、合法性;并承担相应法律责任。甲方提供资料不及时、不完整所耽误的时间计入发布期。
35、 广告发布期满后,广告设置材料为乙方所有。
36、九、 付款方式:
37、 广告版面图纸。
38、 乙方按甲方意图设计,经由甲方认可。
39、十五、 广告制作施工及保养维修过程中发生意外事故,如人员伤亡、财务损失等由乙方承担责任。
40、 甲方要求变更工程量或设计的。
41、 发布期间督促乙方修复破损部位,更换损坏材料、修复坏损灯具。
42、十八、 同争议解决方式 :
43、十一、 乙方权利与义务:
45、二十二、 合同附件:
46、 依法**广告审批手续。
47、广告发布后经验收合格一个周内,甲方付清第一年余款,人民币 ___万元。
48、法人代表:_________________ 法人代表:___________________
49、 依法审查甲方提供发布广告所需的材料,并承担审查责任。
50、十六、 其他约定:
51、 按国家法规规定:户外广告均属临时性建筑,如因城市规划建设需要,应及时无偿拆除。
52、 工程项目及施工方式如需变更,双方应协商一致,签订书面变更协议,同时调整相关工程费用及工期。
53、十三、 广告发布期间,如遇不可抗力造成广告牌损坏及由此产生的连带责任,由双方协商按下列方式解决:
54、 本合同签订地点:乙方办公场所所在地。
55、 广告发布后每晚亮灯时间为4小时,原则上夏秋季节为19:00-23:00,冬春季节为:18:00-22:00,或按天黑时间随机调整。
56、签字日期:____年____月___日 签字日期:_____年____月____日
57、 乙方负责在发布期限内对框架、线路、灯箱等的保养维修工作。
58、 广告版面、结构设计图纸版权归 甲方,另一方未经许可不得另作使用。
59、十九、 本合同经双方法定代表人签字或盖公章后生效。
60、 甲方未按时付款又拒付违约金的,可停止发布。
61、 在广告发布期间,如遇台风11级内,广告受损,乙方负责恢复,并承担所有费用。
62、 严格按照双方商定设计方案图纸进行施工,确保质量按期竣工。
65、 按合同规定及时付清款项。
66、 乙方在签署之日起开始施工,在发布期满内因广告牌造成任何故障及故障所引发的安全责任事故由乙方负全部责任。
67、四、 发布期限:自___ 年___月___ 日 至___ 年 ___月___ 日止。
68、(以上价格含 制作费、场地费、发布费、电费、维修费、政府审批费用等)。
69、 在广告发布期间,如遇11级以上台风,广告受损,双方各自承担广告牌恢复费用的___%。
70、五、 广告制作完工时限:签订合同收到甲方预付款后___个工作日内。
71、七、 广告版面、结构图纸设计:
72、甲方:_________________ 乙方:___________________
xiao yong
rm. 2, 4f, sun tong plaza, 1368 huanhai rd (w)
english assistant position at a multinational company in shanghai.
x x x co., ltd., shanghai 2000-present executive assistant to head of factory
responsibilities include prioritizing appointment schedules and travel arrangements for the head of factory, managing confidential files and records, doing english and japanese interpretation in business talks, and supervising and training clerical staff.
x x x network, inc., shanghai 1998-2000 executive assistant to vice manager
responsibilities included scheduling appointments, keeping files, and traveling to europe to make advance arrangements for client conferences and extensive client contact.
x x x publishing company, shanghai 1995-1998 office assistant
responsibilities included word processing, data entry, filing, and sometimes bookkeeping.
x x x training center, shanghai 1999
completed course of computer typing skills, shorthand, computerized accounts, and manual bookkeeping.
x x x college of continuing education, shanghai 1998
completed one-year japanese course
x x x college of shanghai 1991-1995
majored in english for business, obtained ba
business skills
★ familiar with english accounting and bookkeeping
☆ fluent in oral and written english
★able to communicate in japanese
☆ computer skills in window xp
★ typing speed of 80 wpm
☆ good organizational skills
★ experience of bilingual interpretation
references available on request
master program in economics or relative area
education background
09/2004-07/2007 xxxx university
school of economics, department of economics
gpa: 3.0/4.0 (overall), xx/4.0 (major)
degree: bachelor
professional & research experience
2005 research on development economics of xx university economics college
description: peasant worker’s living conditions and reason of entering into city in xx
position: leader of the group
responsibilities: designed the questionnaire and sent it out randomly in xxx.
organized the members to investigate and composed the report——dynamic reason analysis on the migration of rural labor to urban areas
2005 xxx university economy investigation of xxx, xx province,
responsibilities: assist the professor to communicate with the local government and enterprises, collecting the datum and composed the thesis——research report on self-supporting economic model of xx
2006 research on the data of china xxand china xx,
description: analyzed the present status and future development trend of china xx and
china xx from the view point of industrial economics and analyzed
the present status and future development situation of china xx industry.
2005 xx business strategy competition
description: the competition simulates the international cosmetic market in a new economics environment by software. combining with all the main factors, each group operates a suppositional cosmetic company on the internet and competes with another suppositional one. final competition result lies on the price of stock. though the internet environment is the suppositional one, the professional knowledge and skills and the management of a company is similar with the real one, so the joiner should give a complete decision-making.
achievements: practiced my professional knowledge and the operation ability in economics, and improve my ability of analysis and planning.
2005 xx university challenge cup
description: award for 5.4 youth science of xxx university challenge cup, which is the most
influential honor in xxx university, is the highest prize in the extracurricular
activates of xx university.
achievements:designed a topic about financial market, i did a good research on the current
situation bout chinese financial market, and improve my research ability and
operation with my classmates.
publication & paper
research report on self-supporting economic model of xx published on
future economist, xxx university.
dynamic reason analysis on the migration of rural labor to urban areas
analysis on developmental restrict factor of chinese third industry
the inventor of xxx, analysis of marketing strategy of xx internet development co.,ltd
report of analysis of xxx industry analysis
report of research of rural agriculture development
social activities
2003-2004 planer of youth volunteer association of xxx university
2003-2004 volunteer of love society of xx university
2003-2004 english culture communication association xxuniversity
2003-2004 member of consultation society xx university
2003-2005 member of outside department, green life society, xxx university
2004-2005 member of slipper association xxx university
standard test
toefl:627 twe: 5.0 date: 08/19/2006
gre:1190 twe: 5.0 date: 06/06/2006
computer skills
proficient in office software such as word,excel,powerpoint and frontpage,
excellent ability of cartography and webpage making
proficient in photoshop, dreamweaver, fireworks and macromedia flash
having the foundation of programme (c language and vb)
comprehending asp and php
proficient in economics software:eviews,ps and sas
personal information
name: wang jiang gender: male date of birth: 1986/02/22
residency: huangshi zip code: 435002 career objective:english teacher
home tel: 086-0714-3809428 mobile: 0714-13972773345
email: wang jiang [email protected]/* */ political background:probationary party member
leadership position:the chair of league member
address: hubei province huangshi city ma fang village
work experience
2005/07-2005/9:commended by dean to be an english private tutor in beijing
2006/03--2007/05:qihui private tutor center as an english tutor in xianning
2007/06-2008/12:as an english tutor teaching high school student in huangshi
2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies
2008/08-2008/12:an english training teacher of info tech essentials, inc. huang shi branch
2004/09--2007/06 xianning university english education associate
2007/09--2009/06 hubei normal univercity english bachelor
2006/10--2006/12 no 14 middle school in huangshi city english cadet teacher
language skills
english excellent japanese average
2008/03 tem level 8 eviii 0810045236
2007/04 tem level 4 eiv 0710075088
2006/06 cet-6 061242066001800
2005/12 provincial computer level test band1 2005121141345
2004/12 mandarin chinese rating certificate x1140430787
2007/7 teacher qualification certificate 20074210730000459
national scholarship
the first ranking scholarship
the second ranking scholarship
3 good’s student
outstanding student leader9 f2 m: |# h,
excellent league member
the second price in teacher skill competition in hubei normal university
the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson
the third price in students’acqierement
the outstanding price in first term in telecommunications cup resume competition
self assessment
self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for education
name: melvin
gender: male
date of birth: may, 1982
citizenship: junan county, linyi, shandong
major: english (b.a)
⊿ objective
assistant of your office or the manager; interpreter of company or organization which concerns international business; college or vocational university‘s teacher.
⊿ education background
september 2002 to july 2006, shandong university of architecture
september 1998 to july 2002, linyi no.1 middle school
⊿ main skills
about english
have past the test for english major -4; fluent oral english, and good pronunciation.
major target: esp of technology, esp. architecture and real estate, and also international business. about german
have learned about 200 hours of hochschuldeutsch 1, 2. can do basic reading and writing. about chinese
have got the certificate of chinese, the score is 86.2
about computer
have a good command of computer, knowing the basic maintain of hardware and software; good sense of visual foxpro ted in web page design, and had mastered the macromedia, which including dreamweaver,flash and firework.
skilled in microsoft office, including frontpage.
⊿ work experience
have part time job in shanghai yaru consulting during 2004 and 2005 summer holiday. did the market research for shandong shiguang boiler (shanghai branch) in shanghai. experiences on be a tutor of junior, senior middle school students and college students.
many times of doing promotion sales for stores during the campus life.
⊿ activities
from 2003.10 to2005.5, be the assistant of the director of foreign language department.
from 2004 to 2005, be the minister of the network department and publicity department of the students union.
⊿ awards & honors
in the year of 2004, awarded the
in the year of 2004, won the third level scholarship of our school.
in the year of 2003, won the
⊿ interests
have intensive interest in traveling, photographing; reading, business, economy and computer.
⊿ self-uation
strong sense of responsibility, good spirit of teamwork. can learn new things well
zheng yan
to obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.
1997.9-2000.6 automation,graduate school of tsinghua university, m.e.
1993.9-1997.7 automation,beijing insititute of technology,b.e.
academic main courses
advanced mathematics probability and statistics linear algebra
engineering mathematics numerical algorithm operational algorithm
functional analysis linear and nonlinear programming
electronics and computer
circuit principal data structures digital electronics
artificial intelligence computer local area network
computer abilitees
skilled in use of ms frontpage, win 95/nt, sun, javabeans, html, cgi, javascript, perl, visual interdev, distributed objects, corba, c, c++, project 98, office 97, rational requisitepro, process,pascal, pl/i and sql software
english skills
have a good command of both spoken and written english .past cet-6, toefl:623;gre: 2213
scholarships and awards
· 1999.3 guanghua first-class scholarship for graduate
· 1998.11 metal machining practice award
· 1997.4 academic progress award
· general business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare
· have a passion for the internet, and an abundance of common sense
calvin l. ortiz
2257 abner road
wi 54016
phone no- 715-381-4802
email address- calvinlortiz@
academic background
obtained master of science degree from the chapel hill university, chapel hill in the year of 1992 at the library science as the major.
obtained bachelor of arts degree from the new york university, new york in the year of 1988 at english as the major.
obtained memberships
1992- 1994: acted as the member of the northeastern personal computer owners association program commission
1995- present date: member of the board of directors, northeastern personal computer owners association
1998- present date: acting secretary of the united states archivist society- northeastern belt
obtained accomplishments
awarded 'alumni admiration honor' during the time of 1996 reunion for organizing the program in a very well and attractive manner.
professional background
1999- present date: work as the archivist in the philadelphia university with the following job responsibilities
provide necessary measures to work out usual every day workings of university archives in a very decent manner.
provide necessary operation measures for cataloging, referral services.
provide wonderful and accurate method for documenting the university records.
implement and execute yearly alumni event and exhibitions.
cooperate and make essential relation between both the alumni as well as the local body for expanding the fund raising program.
1995- 1999: acted as the head of the texas library technical service committee, texas with the following job responsibilities
supplied adequate theory and management for library catalog updating and maintaining.
execute online catalog for the respective library.
1993- 1994: worked as the library assistant at the chapel hill museum and library, chapel hill with the following job responsibilities
took necessary proceedings for transforming news paper clippings to make microfilm documents.
cataloged various monographs with the important and vital phases of the country.
personal information
name: wang bin
sex: male
date of birth: july 12, 1971
address: room301, dormitory20, lanzhou university, lanzhou, gansu, 730000, china
telephone: +86-931-8912xxx; +86-136931xxxx
9/2005 - present lanzhou university
candidate for master in economics in june, 2009
major in corporate finance, school of economics
ranked 2/45 in class, core gpa: 3.3/4
9/2001 - 6/2005 lanzhou university
bachelor in economics
awarded national excellent undergraduate student scholarship
7/ - 11/2006 summer team: expand job channels for students
got in touch with 10 companies, visited 4 companies and found their talent demands
made agreements with 4 companies that they would recruit graduates in lanzhou university
10/2006 – 1/2007 volunteer teacher for the hongshan school in lanzhou
taught the course of english for the rural workers ’ children in the school
academic capability
fluent in english. cet-6 : 85.5; toefl ( ibt ) : 98; gre: 1380
graded 2 of gansu computer rank examination for university students
be proficient in office automation ( microsoft excel, powerpoint ) and web surfing
the influence of economic densities of city propers on the infrastructure investment by local governments published in science and engineering research, 2005, 2
dear sirs,
i am very interested in the position that your company offered. i am confident in the job on the basis of my training and solid knowledge system.
for the past 5 years, i have studied english as my major and received a
b degree. i have laid a broad foundation for teaching and business knowledge and reached a high level of english speaking and writing. i took on many extra responsibilities to increase my knowledge and ability. as my resume shows, i took part in several kinds of skills training and not only picked up much knowledge but also got the certificates. plus my hard-working and energetic working attitude, i will be the one you want and do my best to contribute to your company.
i will be grateful if you could arrange a personal interview for me. i will be available at any of your convenient time.
sincerely yours
song yanyan
personal data
name: gao xue-wei gender: female
birthday: november,21,1982 height: 163cm
native place: xinyang,henan weight: 48kg
tel: 1378-315-4730 email: [email protected]/* */ address: he nan university of science and technology #2018 471003 personalities
a hard-working, dynamic, energetic, out-going and team-spirited characteristics with outstanding professional knowledge and skills to seek a position to fulfill both your company's and my own dream to succeed.
core strengths
communication skills in english (verbal and written)
international foreign trade knowledge training
computer literate, including internet
working with perse cultures
english major, b.a. (to be conferred june 2006), department of foreign language, he nan university of science & technology
courses included: international business knowledge, business correspondence, japanese, english writing , listening, oral english, translation, computer, import & export practices etc.
foreign language level
tem4 , cet4, cet6 band 2 in japanese
computer level
be good at office 2000 software system awards
getting 1st grade scholarship for 2 times and 2nd grade one for 4 times
won the title of “three goods” student in 2005
won the “excellent graduate” of henan university of science and technoligy in 2005
won the “excellent graduate” of henan province
professional experience
2001-2003 served as a tutor, helping a high school student with his chinese and english, twice a week
may,2004 office secretary at tianying import & export company of machine & equipment
specvial interests
listening music, travelling, reading&wrinting
will be provided upon request.
email address: